Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Health Care Innovation

Health Care Innovation Your name HCA/210 June 10, 2012 Theresa Brock Health Care Innovation We live in a world where everything is changing and improving rapidly. Health care is one thing that has changed for the better. New improvements to health care are being made every day among technology, medicine, and even health insurance. The average life expectancy has increased significantly over the last 100 years. One hundred years ago the overall average life expectancy in the United States was approximately 50 years old (Wikipedia, n. . ). Now, the overall average life expectancy is approximately 78 years old. One of the biggest reasons for this is health care innovation. Not only has the progress of technology and medicine raised this number, but insurance has a lot to do with this also. With the many different types of insurances that are offered today, people can get the care that they need. Years ago there was no health insurance. People would visit a doctor and pay just a couple o f dollars, or pay with food.Many people would not even go see a doctor simply because they could not afford to pay. Now, healthcare is one of our biggest debates. Essentially there are two types of healthcare insurance, Fee-for-Service and Managed Care. Both cover medical, surgical, and hospital expenses. Most cover prescription drugs and some offer dental coverage. With today's economy, many American's depend on Medicaid or Medicare for their healthcare needs (Progress in Insurance, n. d. ). The Obama Administration has set up healthcare exchanges under a new 2010 law.State-run exchanges will be launched in 2014, which opens a marketplace for private insurers to compete to offer health plans to the uninsured and to small businesses. If a state has not established a framework for the exchanges by 2013, the federal government will step in and run it (The Wall Street Journal, 11-29-11). This has become one of the biggest debates, other than the unemployment rate, during this election year with the presidential campaigns. Medicine has grown tremendously.In the old days, people would always receive an antibiotic shot with the same needle. People used home remedies such as: turpentine and sugar (now it is said that turpentine will kill you), sweet oil in ears for infection, milk weed for warts, lye soap for lice, and for a fever you were rubbed down in rubbing alcohol. There were no tetanus shots. Most people just soaked an infected area in epsom salt. Now, doctors usually only give antibiotics when absolutely necessary, there is laser treatment for warts, lice shampoo, and we now have tetanus shots.The medical device industry has brought us tremendous advances to the practice of medicine in recent decades, ranging from CT and Magnetic Resonance Imagining (MRI) machines, to laboratory diagnostic instruments and pacemakers. Much of our modern medicine relies on 3D imaging, which is fairly new (Progress in Medicine Staff, 6-6-12). Many years ago, ultrasounds, CT scan s, and radioactive/nuclear medicine for PET scans did not exist. They did have X-rays, but very poor images. Now, there are CT scans, PET scans, MRI machines, and X-rays are much more enhanced and show radiologists a great deal of information.Technology in health care has come a very long way, and continues to excel. The only negative impact that health care innovation can have on patients is costs. This could include doctor’s fees for treatment, or even copays and medicine. With the new technology, this makes health care spending go up. Therefore, this makes the costs of care that patient’s need go up. There are still people who cannot get insurance for different reasons. Some people may make just a little too much money to receive an insurance offered by the government, and others may just simply not be offered insurance by their employer.Overall, health care innovation has had a positive impact on patients. It is a natural part of life to grow. Things are always goi ng to get bigger and better, they always have. There will always be a new, better way to do things. Insurance, technology, and medicine will continue to grow, and the improvements will benefit the patients. References www. wikipedia. com. www. yahoo/progressinmedicinestaff. com. The Wall Street Journal, June 6, 2012. www. yahoo/progressininsuranse. com.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Reflective Paper on Gay Marriage Essay

Today many people have their own opinions and beliefs when it comes down to the topic of gay marriage. I personally feel that gay marriage should be legalized. Yes God said, â€Å"That marriage is to be between a man and a woman. † My question is, â€Å"What gives people the right to judge or tell another human-being who to love or how to love? † I personally feel it’s insulting to one’s integrity and people should be able to express their love how they see fit. For centuries the United States has been known for its civil rights and freedoms. Many Americans are angered by the idea of same-sex relationships and marriages. The biggest reason to why heterosexuals are against gay marriage is based primarily on their religious beliefs. So I’m wondering, â€Å"What’s wrong with the idea of two people being together who love and care for each other wanting to spend their lives together? † Of course the gay community is greatly misunderstood because many people who aren’t living a homosexual lifestyle just refuse to listen. Most of these individuals would rather be close-minded to the topic, rather than trying to understand the daily struggles and what it means to be gay in America or any other country for that matter. Same-sex couples aren’t asking for special treatment, but just to be treated the same as a straight couple. The ethical theory that provides the most support for same-sex marriage is utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is a natural way to see if an act is the right thing to do (or wrong thing to do) is to look at its results or consequences. Theories allow us the opportunity to identify the problem and then find ways on how to resolve them. One example would happen to be the ninth commandment, â€Å"Thou shall not lie. Given this statement we a human-beings, tend to lead busy lives and in order to not go against what we may have said, we’ll lie. We do this to keep from hurting one’s feelings. In doing this we as people look at the consequences of our actions to determine how we can make the situation better. It also states that there is an obvious solution that is fair and that may be one that appeals to common sense also. If we can mix races and people are allowed t o get married just because. Then why aren’t same-sex couples allowed the exact same opportunity? What makes people so against and afraid of allowing others to love and be with the person they choose? In a utilitarianism mind-set, society can’t say who should have a relationship. Much of the controversy rises from the decision on how one chooses to define or view marriage. Even though, it was between a man and a woman, man and a man, woman and a woman. Relativism is a concept that points of view have no absolute truth or validity. In contrast, people who are supporters of gay marriage tend to look at the glass â€Å"half-full† instead of just basing their decisions primarily on religious beliefs. Both sides have a very valid argument when it comes down to discussing this topic. From past occasions of inequality, gay rights are the next big step to creating change and an equal society. Many people of the Republican Party feel that allowing same-sex marriages will change how people view religion and family values. A large majority of people and organizations that are for gay marriage feel that not allowing same-sex marriage to be legal feel that it’s a violation against the law of the Equal Protection Clause. It’s the clause of the 14th Amendment that prohibits states from denying any person within the jurisdiction of equal protection. So for the laws to not allow same-sex couples marry is going to create a lot of controversy and scrutiny. Homosexuality is defined as the quality of being homosexual or as the erotic activity with another of the same sex. Up until the year of 1973, being homosexual was known to be a mental disorder, which was stated as such in psychology journals. Many often feel that legalizing gay marriage will lead to the legalizing of other things. Such as pedophilia and polygamy which are controversial subjects but not as much as gay marriage. Even though comparing pedophilia and polygamy to gay marriage is a little much, people feel that allowing gay marriage goes against their morals, their views on society, lives they want for their children, and the future. For some violating same-sex couples civil right is worth it in the end only because they want to protect the value of a man-woman type marriage. To deny gays and lesbians the right to marry is in violation of their civil rights as a citizen of the United States of America. Legalizing gay marriage is not to attack how one feels and how they view things, but so that those can have a chance at equality also. Gay marriage is a very emotional topic and is going to be for years to come. So many people feel that homosexuality is wrong and not normal and therefore believe that homosexuals don’t deserve the right to be married. People are going to debate on whether gay marriage is â€Å"right or wrong†, that’s just the way it is. For most of it Christian groups have been the â€Å"chief of state† when it boils down to same-sex marriage. Growing up in a Christian faith home we were taught that God loves everyone. So answer this question, â€Å"Does that circle of people not include gays or lesbians? † The Constitution gives our rights thanks to the founding fathers of our country. As Americans is this country we have many rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of worship, and so many more. Even though there are many rights, some are limited to an extent. In today’s society are government is controlled by politicians who make a majority of the decisions. Even though we are given freedoms for some reason we are scared of using them. The U. S. seems to be huge playing field, but then we have individuals who decide to take away balls, swings, slides, etc. Why do they get to take these things away? Gay marriage will continue to be a critical topic in today’s society, that’s just fact. A recent study shows that there are approximately 2, 900,000 homosexuals living in the U. S. Some chose not to give out there sexual orientation. The only states where gay marriage is legal are Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Maryland, Maine, and Washington. The following countries allow gay partnerships which are Norway, Sweden, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, The Netherlands, France, Belgium, Portugal, Germany, and Finland. A same-sex couple is not allowed to file a joint tax return in order to lower their taxes or allowed to visit a hospital if an illness was to occur. In this case only next of kin are allowed to make hospital visits. I feel that by allowing gay marriage across the country will then give equal rights for an individual. It will decrease the amount on violence among people and will bring the country together. People often ask, â€Å"Why can’t same-sex couples be fine with just the choice of civil union? † They say this because they couldn’t possibly understand the difference between marriage and civil union. Civil union is the legal status that ensures to same-sex couples specified rights and responsibilities of married couples. Marriage is the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage. Civil unions don’t allow the same assurance that marriage does. In our case marriages are known worldwide, as for civil unions they only exist in the state in which the couple live in. Marriage for same-sex couples happen to be way more beneficial in this case. Say for instance in a civil union, if one of the partners passes away, the living spouse cannot receive Social Security or any benefits from the government. This leaves that person in a financial crisis even though they had been with them for years. In a marriage, couples are entitled to receive their spouse’s Social Security or for that case any other benefits in case of death. This guarantees them definite financial security and rights that will protect them. In a marriage, as a couple you can move from state to state, or country to country and still be granted the same rights and protection. Where as in a civil union if you move to another state they’re rights are long being protected, that in which they were when they were living in the state they happened to be married in. One of the biggest benefits of marriage is the right to adoption. Several states don’t allow gay adoption or allow second parent adoption if an event such as loss or separation happened. Adoption is the act or process of adoption a child. Second parent adoption is when one person adopts the child of his or her partner. There are 16 states that definitely allow joint gay adoption which are; Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Washington D. C. , Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington. One of the most widely cited arguments that happen to be against same-sex marriage rights is that it will harm children that happen to be raised in the â€Å"silver lining† of these relationships. Studies from social science research show that the evidence from this statement is not a supported argument. Scientific literature shows that children who happen to grow up with one or two gay/or esbian parents cope as well in emotional, cognitive, social, and sexual functioning as children raised in a heterosexual household. The optimal development seems to be influenced more by the nature of the relationship and interactions within the family, rather than by the structural form it takes. Since the year of 2002, studies have shown that children with same-sex parents do as well as children of parents of the opposite sex. This has allowed major psychological and health organizations such as (The American Psychological Association) and many more to support same-sex marriage and parenting. The word GLAAD stands for (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation). This organization creates change. GLAAD amplifies the voice of the gay community in order to keep equality at the forefront of America’s cultural conversation. Their impact on newspapers, magazines, blogs, radio, television, movies, and so much more, which transforms attitudes to bring about real change. They hold the media accountable for the words and images they produce. When the media is allowed to be a platform to defame and stereotype the LGBT people, that’s when GLAAD steps in to take action. They leverage 25 years in media relationships and countless hours of media advocacy in order to send important messages against homophobia and discrimination. They strengthen other organizations so that they can leverage media, engage in local communities, and advance social change. Right at this present time GLAAD happens to be working with local organizations in more than 30 states to build support for equality. By collaborating with LGBT leaders and advocacy groups, happens to be the â€Å"key† to increasing the visibility of the gay community, changing hearts and minds, and securing full and lasting equality. Suicide is the third most leading cause of death among adolescents and non-suicidal self-harm occurs in 13-45% of individuals within this age group. This make this particular incident a major public health concern in today’s society. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth are particularly at risk for engaging in these behaviors. Even though, not much is known to what are the specific risk factors associated with suicidal ideas and self-harm behaviors within the population. A history of attempted uicide, impulsivity, and prospected LGBT victimization, and low social support were the reasons behind an increased risk of suicidal ideas. Lesbians are two times more likely to attempt suicide than straight woman, and gay men are six times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers. Attempts by gay and lesbian youth account up to 30% of all completed suicides. Gay teens are three times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers and gay youth are four times more likely to make a suicide attempt requiring medical attention. The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth. This organization was founded in 1998 by James Lecesne, Peggy Rajski, and Randy Stone, who are the creators behind the Academy Award winning short film called, â€Å"Trevor†. That is a timeless coming of age story about love, loss, and to learn how to be yourself. The Trevor Project is determined to end suicide among LGBTQ youth by providing life-saving and life-affirming resources. Which include 24/7 crisis intervention lifeline, digital community, and advocacy/ educational programs that create safe, supportive, and positive environment for everyone. The vision is to provide a future where the possibilities, opportunities, and dreams are the same for all youth, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Inclusiveness is one of their mantras. This organization believe that everyone should be treated like a human-being, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, race, ethnicity, religious practice, ability, or size. The Trevor Project is also a Champion of Change, an honor that was presented by the White House for their innovative work to save the lives of LGBTQ young people. In conclusion, I don’t think I’ll ever quite understand the argument on whether homosexuals should have the right to marry and live their lives the way they choose. As citizens of this country, we all deserve the right to experience and have happiness. Isn’t that normally part of forming relationships? It transpires when we fall in love and are able to love the one we have chosen to be with. Even, if our partner happens to be of the same or opposite sex. That shouldn’t matter because â€Å"love is love†, no matter how you see it. For me I feel that same-sex marriage shouldn’t have to resort in ethical controversy, it should be left alone. I feel this way because since the age of fourteen I knew that I was gay. Throughout middle school and high school I kept it a secret and didn’t tell anyone. It was very hard because I was scared that if I came out my family, friends, and my peers wouldn’t accept me. I went through phases of anxiety, anger, lonliness, depression, and an attempt of suicide. All because I kept who I truly was locked away all because the fear of rejection. That’s a very big â€Å"pill† to have to swallow. By deciding to keep this a secret I wasn’t able to live out my truth and be who I truly am. Recently at the beginning of this past year I decided that it was time to come out to my family and friends. It was one of the most hardest and scariest things that I’ve ever had to do but I know it had to be done. Now that I have the acceptance of my family and friends I’m now able to live my life and be truly happy. It’s as if I had been suffocating for so long and now I can breathe again. I can’t explain it but it’s the greatest feeling in the world. I want every teen or young adult struggling with who they are to be able to be okay and love themselves on the inside as well as the outside. There’s a saying, â€Å"God doesn’t make mistakes. † So for every person that’s ever been told that they’re a â€Å"mistake† just know that mistakes are okay because no one’s perfect, but never ever lose your passion to express and be who your are. I just feel like I’m finally able to live out my goals, dreams, and ambitions I have for my life. It’s as if I have been given this new lease on life called â€Å"joy†. I refuse to let anyone or anything take it away.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analysis of the Poem The Wreck of Deutschland by Gerard Manley Hopkins

SS Deutschland is an iron passenger liner of the Norddeutscher Lloyd series which is the first flight from Bremen to New York. On December 4, 1875, Germany traveled with 123 immigrants from Bremerhaven to New York. The weather condition of the ship was awful; a snowstorm hit an area near the Kentish Knock ship, Kent and the Essex coast of England. The German crew tried to retreat but failed when the pressure ruptured the German propeller. Gerard Manley Hopkins has eight brothers and sisters born in Manley and Catherine Smith Hopkins. His parents are Episcopal churches that follow the Catholic tradition sacraments and pope. By planting the theological values, beliefs, and morals of Gerald, he was seriously affected by his family. His parents taught him to love God with other children. Gerard was convinced that she would become familiar with the Bible by strengthening her connection with her mother, so Gerrard started reading the New Testament at school. Gerald Manley Hopkins is always fascinated by the individuality of personal thinking and experience. As W. H. Gardner explains, Hopkins' ideal is poetry and art work, which is very beautiful. He uses the language as a means to immerse himself in the feeling as much as possible; awe, surprise, disappointment, confusion, alienation, certainty and doubt. Some of the great literary works prosper in the voice of independent, other, and sometimes intentional anemic stories, but Hopkins has released his poem throughout his existence. The most expressive belief His perceptualism is revealed in the original metaphor such as yellow-yellow candle and vivid discoloration. Broader and more accurate terms. In the mid 1800s, a very spiritual poet was born. Gerard Manley Hopkins was born on 28th July 1844 to Manly and Catherine (Smith) Hopkins, the first child of nine children (Drabble 473). His parents were High Church Anglicans and his father last year published a large number of poems (Drabble 473). He was appointed a pastor of the Jesuits who wrote a beautiful poem full of harmony with nature. In most cases, Hopkins' poetry was published after the death of 1889. Five years before Hopkins' death, he wrote six terrible sonnets that revealed their inner torture and separation from God (Davi 86). These poems were written by Hopkins as a professor at Dublin College College (Drabble 474). Hopkins' sonnet worst, no, I woke up, feeling the darkness, not the end of the day is indicative of mental pain caused by his mental pain

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Culture studys neo-nazi music culture Assignment

Culture studys neo-nazi music culture - Assignment Example The emergence of the neo-Nazi music in England took place in the year 1970s with the concert which was titled as ‘Rock against Racism’. Followed by this concert, the array of racists who were involved with the neo-Nazi skinheads was identified to be ‘Rock against Communism’ (RAC). The musical concert was intimately involved with the encouragement of the nationalist neo-Nazis, racists and socially unrest themes with the intention to continue succession and thus imbibe such beliefs within the young generation (Jewish Virtual Library, 2012). The concepts of the music culture which intentionally generated as a moral panic had been considered with the obligation of the neo-Nazi culture that is currently being pursued by the young population. This moral panic involved with its categorisation of races, social groups and communities by the feeling of anxiety and emotional energy concerning the perceived values and beliefs that was typically focused during the music concert (Shayovitz, 2011). Hence, as the prime focus on the neo-Nazi music culture has been observed to imbibe the beliefs amid the young generation, it becomes quite apparent that the cultural movement is likely to have a strong impact on the young population. It also because of the increasing preferences for modern music amid the young generation, that neo-Nazi music culture can have a long lasting impression over this population. The formulation of the Neo-Nazi music culture took place with the consideration of the Jewish holocaust, as one of the utmost crimes during the Second World War era which was carried out by Adolf Hitler with the commitment to set up the Nazi despotism. The catastrophe of the Jewish holocaust is considered as one of the foremost reasons for the occurrence of such ascension of neo-Nazis in Germany in the Second World War. There

Investment Bubble Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Investment Bubble - Personal Statement Example Virtually, a spiral sets in with more investment coming through causing more escalation in price of the said asset. Within few months price soars beyond imagination of all and the level of rationality. Even at this level, buying keeps supporting the price. Those who were not the part of this boom feel like having missed the bus and decide to plunge into it with all available resources. Soon, price reaches to a level, which cannot be justified by any of the known established investment theories even after discounting all future cash flow streams in a most optimistic scenario. Such a level of price cannot be sustained for a long period of time and discerning speculators start unloading at the peak of the heat. Price starts falling quickly and gullible retail investors who are in thousands cannot fathom that ‘bubble has burst indeed’ and hold on to their investment causing them insurmountable loss in the asset wiping their most of the capital. It will be worth exploring and to live some of the investment bubbles in a different class of assets across the world before identifying the key issues involved with an investment bubble versus a long term investment. Japanese Stock Market Bubble It will be interesting to track the movement of Nikkei 225 between the period of 1983 and 1991to understand how did the stock market burst eventually. The index which was hovering Source:^N225 around 8,300 in 1983 peaked to more than 38,000 in December 1989. The boom period continued for almost 6 years giving a stupendous rise to the stock price. For many, it was a great period of investment giving them return of 500% or more. However, the bubble burst after that and index came down crashing to nearly half at 19,000 within a year. It plunged further down to 14,000 by third quarter of 1993. The most tragic part is that the exactly after 20 years Nikkei touched the sa me level of 8,300 that is where it started off in 1983. It was a complete reversal and complete washout of investment. (Japan Nikkei 225 2011) Investment Bubble versus Long Term Investment Above incident raises several issues worth contemplating. A common understanding among investors is that the investment always rises with time and with the expansion of economy, but here a totally different phenomenon has surfaced. Anyone who invested in Japanese stock market in 1983 and stayed with the investment until 2003 virtually had no return on his or her investment though it may be termed as a long term investment without resorting to any speculative activity. Investor is back to square one. This certainly defies the theory that a long term investment always pays. Japan has certainly progressed between 1983 and 2003 that is evident from the GDP figures. In 1983, Japan’s GDP was $10,987.22 (Japan GDP - per Capita 2011) in terms of purchasing power parity point of view which grew to $ 33,884.84 in the same terms. It is true that the bubble has burst but how to justify the same valuation even after 20 years. This indicates that the rise and fall of the investment is not always linked to the time and economic expansion in general. It is a quantum of the money chasing targeted asset plays a pivotal role in the appreciation of an asset. Bubble in Precious Metal In another class of asset namely Gold, the situation is again not much different. During economic or

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The risk of being a diabetic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The risk of being a diabetic - Essay Example enal functioning, the working of the liver as well as visual problems and vascular changes which may predispose a person to fatal conditions like atherosclerosis. This paper aims to achieve the following three objectives of briefly explaining: There are two types of Diabetes i.e. type on and type two. Diabetes mellitus type one presents with weight loss and the patient complains of increased thirst, hunger and urination. The patient develops low blood glucose levels often and ketosis is also seen in them. As the patient is not able to produce insulin within the body, the only treatment option for them is the intravenous administration of insulin to control the levels of blood glucose. Insulin pumps can also be used for the delivery of insulin within the body. In diabetes type 2 the disease progresses with the loss of responsiveness of the tissues of the body to insulin. That is they become resistant to the effect of this hormone and hence the metabolism of glucose is altered. The increased levels of insulin and high blood glucose levels alter the functioning of the beta cells which initially respond by increased secretion of the hormone. When this affect does not show a significant result there is loss of function of the beta cells. Diabetes becomes an even more dangerous disease in its latter stages when it is not being controlled. If early treatment of diabetes is not done in some cases it is seen that amputation is required. By amputation here it is meant that an organ has to be cut off from the body. If the person does not control diabetes it can also lead to heart failure or a heart attack. At times it is seen that diabetes leads to the blockage of vessels in the body. Diabetes can also effect sensitive organs of the body such as eye. It can form a cataract in the eye because of which the vision of an individual is impaired. Diabetes is a slow poison as it slowly affects the person’s metabolic processes. It is necessary that an individual controls it and

Friday, July 26, 2019

Cultural presentation about the jewish customs in the healthcare Research Paper

Cultural presentation about the jewish customs in the healthcare environment - Research Paper Example Suppose a Jewish patient is terminally ill and has no chance of surviving, their spiritual statutes prohibit any active medical intervention meant to hasten death with the intention of reliving pain (Hollins 92). Since, they believe in natural death, whereby at this period any ethical question regarding patient’s final wish at deathbed family sand the medical practical should consult the rabbi. Additionally, Jews do not leave their patients alone while they are about to die, but they ensure there is always somebody to offer any assistance other than medical (Hollins 92). It is the mandate of the Jews to offer their patients the necessary pastoral care. This entails visiting and praying with the patient. The Rabbi with his council selects certain individuals (approximately nine people) who will be undertaking the responsibility besides their family members (Hollins 92). Since, visiting patients is a charity deed advocated by their religion, whereby nurses ought to be ready to accommodate it despite the healthcare facility’s strict rules. In addition, the aspect of fertility among the Jews is by far diverse from numerous global cultures where most of them have embraced contraceptives. Jews normally utilize same family planning method because their beliefs do not advocate contraceptives (Hollins 91). This is because they usually prefer large families where issues regarding contraceptives consult their Rabbis. This is before giving to the medical practitioners’ directives especially in critical conditions where the couple intends to have a reasonable child spacing. After death, Jews do not either touch or move their dead person’s body where they consult their Rabbi for further directives regarding end rites (Hollins 91). Therefore, the nurses ought to leave the matter to the Rabbi. All the fluids and other disposable paraphernalia connected to the patient, the Rabbi proposes be buried immediately with the body. Since, they are part of the body

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Point by Point comparison of Eva and Elizabeth Essay

Point by Point comparison of Eva and Elizabeth - Essay Example All these similarities and differences will be discussed in more details. Eva is a thirteen year old (13 years) European girl who has a polish origin. She is currently residing in the United States of America but as an immigrant because she was not born in the United States of America. Elizabeth on the other hand is younger than Eva by three years (she therefore is 10 years old) and was born in the United States of America which automatically makes her a US citizen. Even though she was born in the United States of America, she is an Asian. Unlike Eva who is proud of her Polish heritage and values it and its family from that country, Elizabeth hates and even rejects her Asian background. This hatred is even transferred to school where she has to attend a Chinese school which she totally hates and confesses to being happy when she does not have to go to school. She does not want any form of association with China and considers herself as all American. This is in contrast to Eva whose pride for her background makes her appreciative of her heritage and cultur e. Both Eva and Elizabeth are first born children in their families and have other siblings behind them. The siblings in both Eva’s and Elizabeth’s life are stubborn and give their parents especially their mothers a very hard time. It is as a result of this, the fact that they are the eldest and probably the fact that they are foreigners that makes both of the girls so protective over their mothers. They are educated and love their families and thus help them communicate with the world outside. Cultural identity is the personality or characteristics that an individual has about a particular culture which is similar with others of the same culture but contrasts with that of other individuals from a different culture. In this case, Eva who is from a Polish culture has a different culture from Elizabeth who has a Chinese background culture and hence different cultural identity. The two girls under

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Social and Cultural Views of Health Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Social and Cultural Views of Health - Assignment Example Diversity enables individuals to understand, accept, appreciate and acknowledge differences that exist across societies. Human sexuality is one aspect of cultural practices whose understanding varies from one community or society to another. What is proper and harmless behavior in one community or society can be a serious abomination or breach of social norms in another society. Different communities or societies hold varied understanding about human sexuality. For instance, consider the case of Inis Beag and Mangaian communities. What is right sexual practice within Mangaian community is totally wrong and an abomination within the Inis Beag community. Inis Beag community prohibits premarital marriages and recommends that males and females intending to marry should socialize and stay apart. Marriage is this community is a function reserved for men in the mid-30s and women in the mid-20s (Rathus, Nevid & Fitchner-Rathus, 2014). In Inis Beag community, it is a cultural responsibility for mothers to train their daughters to submit to sexual desires of their husbands. It is through such submissions that the couples can fulfill God’s command requiring human beings to be fruitful and fill the Earth. The persuasion to be submissive also paints another understanding of Inis Beag community that women do not need to be sexually active or seek for sexual interc ourse, but relax and wait to respond to their husbands’ sexual desires. According to Rathus, Nevid, and Fitchner-Rathus (2014), men in Inis Beag community view sexual intercourse as a tiring activity and should be infrequent. The nature of cultural practice within Inis Beag community that restricts women from sexual lust while persuading men that sexual intercourse is tiring makes sexual intercourse a special activity that is worth performing only when seeking for children. Sexual intercourse in this community is not a pleasurable activity to enjoy.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Cyber Crime Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6500 words

Cyber Crime - Literature review Example However, these technologies represent significant costs for communication companies, and ultimately, the general public. With more businesses coming to depend on computers and internet-based systems, attacks on these systems have increased. Such attacks have been considered crimes which covers the application of computer networks, alongside financial scams, hacking, virus attacks, phishing, cyber stalking, and pornography (Li, et al. 2012). In 2000 for instance, the ILOVEYOU virus caused billions of dollars in damage to different computers and companies all over the world (Mishra and Pajrapati, 2013). It was later discovered that two Filipinos were responsible for the creation of the virus. However, since the Philippines, at that time, did not have any cybercrime laws which would have held the perpetrators accountable, the perpetrators were later released (Mishra and Pajrapati, 2013). Regardless of the presence or absence of cybercrime laws however, the apprehension and prosecution o f perpetrators have been made difficult by the nature of the offence, including the complications related to the cyber security awareness and cyber incident reporting (McGuire and Dowling, 2013; KPMG, 2011). This paper shall carry out a literature review of cybercrimes, cyber security awareness, including cyber incident reporting. Related details shall refer to the usual cybercrimes which have gained notoriety and in general, government actions related to cybercrimes, and the challenges presented by cybercrimes and cyber security. According to Gercke (2012) cybercrimes are also considered in relation to computer crimes. Different perspectives have been considered to develop a more encompassing definition and understanding of cybercrimes and computer crimes (Gercke, 2012). Cybercrimes nevertheless have a more specific focus than computer-related crimes, especially as computer-crimes only involve

What Is Economics Essay Example for Free

What Is Economics Essay Quoting Michael Yates, â€Å"The subject matter of economics is the production and distribution of output†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Yates, 2003). So what does this say to me? Simplifying, this says to me that Economics is a way of explaining the world. With studies dating as far back as Aristotle’s interest in the various forms of state, how can one ever fully understand the complexities of economic thought and how could one definition ever sum up the entirety of what economists endeavour to understand? Meikle, Scott, 1995) The study of economics attempts to understand and to explain how and why the wealth of the world is produced, distributed, and consumed. It examines everything from global and local markets, class structures and wealth distribution, the role of government and politicians, supply and demand of products and services, the division of labour, and countless other factors that affect how and why the productions systems of the world economy function the way they do. Arguably, one of the most influential factors in defining the subject matter of economics is the division of labour. By influential I am not stating that I am of the opinion that the current distribution of labour it is positive factor to our current economic climate, just that it is an influential one. Although the famous theorist Adam Smith argued that economic growth, as a result of the productivity improvements gained, was rooted in the division of labour (Smith, 1776). He, among others, also came to acknowledge the many downsides of a deepening division of labour (Walker, 1886 Smith, 1776 Marx, 1847). Labour is distributed not only between countries and companies but also within each individual company. The wage disparity between middle and lower class and the wealth distribution between labourers and capitalists (business owners) that results from a deepening division of labour plays a much more significant role in determining what is produced, by whom it is produced, who is able to purchase these produced goods and services, and ultimately the subject matter of economics then one would initially assume. The division of labour does not only refer to the dividing of complex tasks into simple tasks so that many, easily replaceable labourers, complete one task over and over to produce a product, (associated mainly with the industrial revolution); the division of labour refers to the division of labour between organizations. In modern times, labourers from individual organizations produce goods for another organization rather than directly for a consumer. That organization then uses those goods, combined with their own, to produce a final product. This deepening of the division of labour resulted in the progressive substitution of self-sufficient production with industrial production and market exchange. (Schmidt, 2009) These worldwide networks and interdependencies between organizations, combined with the division of labour within the individual organization, further the disconnect between workers and the ownership of their work. They lose pride of workmanship, close personal relationships, direct access to the means of production, and they become â€Å"a mere appendage to the cold, implacable, pace-setting machine† (Hunt Sherman, 1986). Their work, or labour, is owned by the capitalist that owns the organization in which they work and they are left virtually powerless to control the economy in which they live. The labour of a CEO differs substantially from that of a production worker in an automotive factory, and so does the wealth accumulated by that labourer and the CEO and eventually, their heirs. The ‘labourer’ who accumulates the most wealth has the most influence over the means of production. This labourer, once they own the means of production and are able to determine what is produced and the method of production comes to be termed a ‘capitalist’. A capitalist makes no secret that goods will not be produced and dollars will not be invested in production capital, regardless of people’s needs, because production decisions in a capitalist economy are based primarily on profit (Hunt Sherman, 1986). This capitalist, and the wealth they accumulate, also has significant influence over the political economy that sets the stage for capitalism to continue to thrive and to encourage capitalist accumulation and further the deepening of the division of labour. It is in this way that capitalism and the division of labour drives our production economy and influences the global markets and the modern subject matter of economics.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Christian Values and Americas Historical Documents Essay Example for Free

Christian Values and Americas Historical Documents Essay While socially networking, a person will run into many different opinions on all topics. People have their own beliefs and ways of looking at things, so when I was expounding on my ideas, the inevitable topic of religion was brought up. As much as the Golden Rule flows through most religions, there are people who are not able to put their ego aside and open their minds to the simplest possibilities. The specifics of this topic were of such that the United States was founded on Christianity. Religion and politics are highly volatile topics and most people will only argue emotionally instead of stopping and critically thinking about any information they may be given on these two subjects. Many people believe that the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were founded on Christian values, but in closer examination, they both have vague wording and Deist beliefs. Counterarguments There are several reasons that people believe that the historic documents of the United States were written with Christian values in mind. One reason is, in the 19th Century, a movement started which believed that the settlers were led here by the hand of God (Allison, 1998). This was a popular belief and many people still hold true to this belief. It is taught in public schools that the colonists came over from England because of religious persecution. Another argument for this way of thinking is that, because of the belief that God showed the settlers where to go, that He also must have had led the Founding Fathers to write the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States (Allison, 1998). This lead to the belief that God is needed to preserve not only religious institutions, but also democracy. Human rights are seen to be given by God, which, in a nation that was intolerant of non-Christians, meant the Judeo-Christian God (Cherry, MD, 2011). Our Founding Fathers separated Church and state, but not God and state. Church and state and God and state are sometimes seen as  the same idea, which can be confusing, even to a Christian. In addition to this, many believe that this country was founded with Christian values because of a statement that was made in Madison’s Federalist Paper Number 37 where it states, that only, â€Å"†¦ a finger of that Almighty hand† could have shown him the insight to write the Constitution (Ferguson, 1987). United States Constitution The United States Constitution was written in such a way as to be intentionally vague and without Christian values, but Deist values instead. The Constitutional Convention had many problems in coming up with this historic document. Every man that attended this convention had their own ideas and ways to convey what they believed needed to be included in this document. Vague Wording Ben Franklin’s ambiguous wording in the Declaration of Independence led Madison to exaggerate the wording even further in the Constitution. The intentionally ambiguous wording that Madison used in the Constitution was used â€Å"to bring conformity within a divided country,† (Ferguson, 1987, p. 159). In the 14th Amendment it states, â€Å"Any person†¦,† but when this document was written African-Americans were not considered people, so Jim Crow Laws were kept in place in many areas of the country. In the convention meetings leading up to what the Founding Fathers wrote to become the Constitution, compromises were made. In the second amendment, it states that people have a right to keep and bare arms. What makes this vague is that most of us take this to mean any, and all people, but what the Constitutional Framers meant was to indicate those that were in the militias. So, those â€Å"people† that were in the â€Å"militias† could keep and bare â€Å"arms,† not just anyone could. Deist Beliefs The Constitution forms a secular document and is in no way related to God (Walker, 2004). God was not forgotten in the writing of the Constitution. This omission was purposely done to keep the government and religion separate from each other. The Constitution’s preamble starts out â€Å"We the people†¦,† and clearly states the intention of the men who framed the Constitution, including â€Å"establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility,  provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity†¦.† Nowhere in the Constitution is the word God, so there would be no mistake as to the thoughts of Madison. The First Amendment to the Constitution even states that, â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the exercise thereof†¦,† which means that the government is not supposed to support any one religion or to stop any individual from practicing their religion or lack thereof. Religionists and atheists are able to equally practice their belief system because of this. This alone is a contradiction to the First Commandment, which demands fealty to a specific god (Trent, 2012). The Constitution’s confusion stems from the ambiguous wording of the Declaration of Independence. Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence’s wording and belief system is not only vague, but also Deist. This historic document did not take sides and was intentionally meant in an unbiased way. This can be shown in several different ways. Vague Wording Ambiguity in the wording of this document by Ben Franklin tends to give many the misunderstanding by using phrases such as, â€Å"Nature’s God† and â€Å"their Creator,† which leads people who are Christian, by default, to the thought that this is a Christian-based document. Wording such as this is intentionally vague, because it comes from the belief in a higher power; whatever that may be to each individual as opposed to strictly Christian beliefs. The intentionally vague wording, such as, â€Å"unalienable rights† and â€Å"laws of nature,† transcends the political, and even the religious, arguments of from where these rights came from and by whom they were given. One of the words in the introduction is necessary and when this document was written, this word had a much more significant meaning than we have today for it. Back then, it meant that it was something that was made in association with fate and was beyond control of human agents. An example of this meaning is the Revolutionary War was going to happen and there was nothing anyone could do about it. The division of the people between England and the settlers could not have been repaired by anyone or anything. Deist Belief System As it is stated in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Deism is a movement or system of thought advocating natural religion, emphasizing morality, and in the 18th Century denying the interference of the Creator with the laws of the universe. The Founding Fathers, such as Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and several others, were only strictly Christian in appearance, but Christian-Deist in belief. These men followed the works of philosophers, such as Descartes and Voltaire. This led these men to question Christian beliefs. Believing in what the classic philosophers wrote, had the Founding Fathers put the test of reason to every idea and assumption. When they put this test to religion, they found they needed to strip away revelation, which led to Deism (Johnson, 2004). The Founding Fathers were very closed-mouth about their personal religion, but encouraged religious tolerance and a belief in God. When writing the Declaration of Independence, they were in reality writing the reason of their actions to the rest of the world for why they did what they did. In short, it was a foreign policy document. The second and most famous paragraph of the Declaration of Independence states that the Founding Fathers believed that it was self-evident that all men are created equal. The Creator, as is believed by any one person, granted all men with certain rights; life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which is given by the universe’s natural laws. This one belief shows that at least some of the Founding Fathers were Deists, as this is a Deist belief. The Declaration of Independence is interpreted many different ways to fit neatly into everyone’s individual belief system, when it should just be read the way it is, and not try to make more of it than it is. The Declaration of Independence is a statement of why everyone deserves liberty and freedom. Conclusion The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States were written without Christian values because when the settlers came to America they were trying to get away from a government that was telling them what to do and how to believe without the â€Å"voice of the people† reaching those in power. If the Declaration of Independence and Constitution were written with Christian values, the Founding Fathers would not have put in  the segments about religious freedom into these documents. I believe that if Christian values were used to write the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, that religious freedom would not have been a part of these historic documents. Everyone has their own way at which they look at and perceive things, and they will make things fit into their belief system to make it easier for them to understand. Sometimes, this is not necessarily the way that things in history were meant to be interpreted, such as the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. We are taught this in school through text books, at home with taught beliefs, and political affiliations see this topic differently, but if we break out of the mold, and try to think for ourselves, we can learn and enjoy from the simple beauty in which these documents were written. With an open mind, we are more apt to realize the original intent of historical events and documents. References Allison, J. (1998). Declaration of Independence: Its Purpose. Retrieved from Cherry, MD, R. R. (2011). American Judeo-Christian Values and the Declaration of Independence. Retrieved from Ferguson, R. A. (1987). Ideology and the Framing of the Constitution. Early American Literature, 22(1987), 157-165. Formisano, R. P., Pickering, S. (2009). The Christian Nation Debate and Witness Competency. Journal of the Early Republic, 29(Summer), 219-248. Johnson, R. L. (2004). The Deist Roots of the United States of America. Retrieved from Rubicondior, R. (2012). Founded on Christian Principles? Retrieved from Trent, B. (2012). First Amendment or First Commandment. Up Front, May-June (N/A), 10-11, 37. Walker, J. (2004). The Government of the United States of American is not, in any sense founded on the Christian religion. Retrieved from

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Comparing methods of market segmentation

Comparing methods of market segmentation Traditional demographic methods of market segmentation do not usually provide this knowledge. Analyses of market segments by age, sex, geography, and income level are not. They actually didnt see what people need but rather used to do and make products that were profitable to them and in addition to that they didnt give much priority to what the customer need and used to make the same products. They had no importance to the demography and as well as their product did not satisfy all the customers as they had few lack of quality, style and fashion. Their design of the product wasnt fulfilling the demand of the market in the earlier times. They only depended on their benefits rather then caring about their customers. There were no media supports or any correct timing for launching products as a result many products were unknown to the people and they actually lacked the information of the things they could get (Market Segmentation, Advanced Demand Information, and Supply Chain Performa nce by Fangruo Chen, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, New York 10027). The makers did not have a huge impact on the customers as they had to satisfy themselves with what they had. Thus there were no such advantages or profits to the makers. There were no guides to strategies or ways to improve the product as they were not guided enough. The plus point in this type of marketing is there was less competition in the early stages and the makers didnt used to worry that much about the products or the amount that it would be sold. Thus its effects are described below: For example : watches were introduced to the customers with a 2 to 3 options rather then a wide range from which al types of people can chose from what they need. They avoided the fact that people have some demands which had to be fulfilled which is not satisfactory at this century. Besides that there are many other marketing factors like auto mobile. We didnt used to get many options like now a day. There were only few options for cars and the buyers had to select any of those and satisfy their minds with that (Forecasting and Market Analysis techniques by George J. Kress and John Snyder). There were no chance of dividing class, status and style with these few options. They didnt use to make the cars and values to the customers need and it is a negative point to the marketing segmentation method. Perfumes are something which a woman loves to have and the easy way to increase its market demand is to know what she wants whole she is buying the product. In the early stages there were no media to let people know about all these products as these products were exported from distance areas and countries and sold only to the high class and rich people. Where as the others were totally unaware of the fact that this products are available. We could consider the role of bathing soaps in our life as a very important thing but in the early stages they didnt know its correct use so they did not bath and used to use perfumes instead. Bathing is a enjoyable experience to women as it enhances beauty. More she would come to know about its advantages she will be eager to have it. But at those times they were too much dependant upon herbals and herbal products as much of these were not available or they didnt know anything about it (From Bland to Brand by Jennifer Lach, American Demographics, M arch, 1999). There were no hare care markets instead of that they used rivers and had bath there in the Mother Nature. Computers were not that specialized in these stages and were not that comfortable to use like it is now. In a way there were many things that were not that satisfactory those days. New methods of market segmentation Demography is the statistical study of human populations but also a way to segment markets. It helps to want people need according to age, sex and gender. Marketing is the process by which companies create customer interest in products or services. It generates the strategy that underlies sales techniques, business communication, and business development for this now a days many things are made according to demography needs (Marketing Golf to Generation X by Marcus Whelan, Cyber-journal of Sports Marketing). If a customers needs are fulfilled then the product would be sold more and it would also be a benefit to the maker. The main work of marketing is to identify the customer, to keep the customer, and to satisfy the customer. With the customer as the focus of its activities, it can be concluded that marketing management is one of the major components of business management. Marketing evolved to meet the stasis in developing new markets caused by mature markets and overcapacities in the last 2-3 centuries. The adoption of marketing strategies requires businesses to shift their focus from production to the perceived needs and wants of their customers as the means of staying profitable (Author: T.P. Beane, (Philip Morris, USA), D.M. Ennis, Philip Morris, USA). Now a day we follow new methods of marketing segmentation. There are some unique advantages in these methods. Like:- Each brand appears to sell very effectively only to certain segments of any market not to the whole market in todays economy. Sound marketing objectives depend on knowledge of how segments which produce the most customers for a companys brands differ in requirements and susceptibilities from the segments which produce the largest number of customers for competitive brands. Traditional methods of marketing didnt use to provide us with these knowledge. Once the marketing director does discover the most pragmatically useful way of segmenting his market, it becomes a new standard for almost all his evaluations (T.P. Beane, D.M. Ennis, (1993) Market Segmentation: A Review), He will use it to appraise competitive strengths and vulnerabilities, to plan his product line, to determine his advertising and selling strategy, and to set precise marketing objectives against which performance can later be measured. Specifically, segmentation analysis helps him to:- Direct the appropriate amounts of promotional attention and money to the most potentially profitable segments of his market; Design a product line that truly parallels the demands of the market instead of one that bulks in some areas and ignores or scants other potentially quite profitable segments. Catch the first sign of a major trend in a swiftly changing market and thus give him time to prepare to take advantage of it to determine the appeals that will be most effective in his companys advertising and where several different appeals are significantly effective. Quantify the segments of the market responsive to each will choose advertising media more wisely and determine the proportion of budget that should be allocated to each medium in the light of anticipated impact. Correct timing of advertising and promotional efforts so that they are massed in the weeks, months, and seasons when selling resistance is least and responsiveness is likely to be at its maximum Understand the seemingly meaningless demographic market information and apply it in scores of new and effective ways. These advantages hold in the case of both packaged goods and hard goods, and for commercial and industrial products as well as consumer products. catch the first sign of a major trend in a swiftly changing market and thus give him time to prepare to take advantage of it; Determine the appeals that will be most effective in his companys advertising and, where several different appeals are significantly effective, quantify the segments of the market responsive to each. Choose advertising media more wisely and determine the proportion of budget that should be allocated to each medium in the light of anticipated impact. Correct the timing of advertising and promotional efforts so that they are massed in the weeks, months, and seasons when selling resistance is least and responsiveness is likely to be at its maximum. Understand otherwise seemingly meaningless demographic market information and apply it in scores of new and effective ways. These advantages hold in the case of both packaged goods and hard goods, and for commercial and industrial products as well as consumer products. EFFECTS OF THIS IN TEN MARKETS: In the following discussion we shall take ten markets for consumer and industrial products 1. Watches: In this first case we deal with a relatively simple mode of segmentation analysis. The most productive way of analyzing the market for watches turns out to be segmentation by value. This approach discloses three distinct segments, each representing a different value attributed to watches by each of three different groups of consumers: 1. People who want to pay the lowest possible price for any watch that works reasonably well. If the watch fails after six months or a year, they will throw it out and replace it. 2. People who value watches for their long life, good workmanship, good material, and good styling. They are willing to pay for these product qualities. 3. People who look not only for useful product features but also for meaningful emotional qualities. The most important consideration in this segment is that the watch should suitably symbolize an important occasion. Consequently, fine styling, a well-known brand name, the recommendation of the jeweler, and a gold or diamond case are highly valued. In 1962, research shows, the watch market divided quantitatively as follows: Approximately 23 % of the buyers bought for lowest price (value segment #1). Another 46% bought for durability and general product quality (value segment #2). And 31% bought watches as symbols of some important occasion (value segment #3). 2.Automobiles: The non-demographic segmentation of the automobile market is more complex than that of the watch market. The segments crisscross, forming intricate patterns. Their dynamics must be seen clearly before automobile sales can be understood. Segmentation analysis leads to at least three different ways of classifying the automobile market along non-demographic lines, all of which are important to marketing planning. Value Segmentation: The first mode of segmentation can be compared to that in the watch market-a threefold division along lines which represent how different people look at the meaning of value in an automobile: 1. People who buy cars primarily for economy. Many of these become owners of the Falcon, Ford, Rambler, American, and Chevrolet. They are less loyal to any make than the other segments, but go where the biggest savings are to be found. 2. People who want to buy the best product they can find for their money. These prospects emphasize values such as body quality, reliability, durability, economy of operation, and ease of upkeep. Rambler and Volkswagen have been successful because so many people in this segment were dissatisfied. 3. People interested in personal enhancement (a more accurate description than prestige). A handsomely styled Pontiac or Thunderbird does a great deal for the owners ego, even though the car may not serve as a status symbol (Market segmentation: how to do it, how to profit from it by Malcolm McDonald). Although the value of an automobile as a status symbol has declined, the personal satisfaction in owning a fine car has not lessened for this segment of the market. It is interesting that while both watches and cars have declined in status value, they have retained self-enhancement value for large portions of the market. Markets can change so swiftly, and the size of key segments can shift so rapidly, that great sensitivity is required to catch a trend in time to capitalize on it. In the automobile market, the biggest change in recent years has been the growth in segment two-the number of people oriented to strict product value. Only a few years ago, the bulk of the market was made up of the other segments, but now the product-value segment is probably the largest. Some automobile companies did not respond to this shift in the size of these market segments in time to maintain their share of the market. Aesthetic Concepts: A second way of segmenting the automobile market is by differences in style preferences. For example, most automobile buyers tell you that they like expensive looking cars. To some people, however, expensive looking means a great deal of chrome and ornamentation, while to others it means the very opposite-clean, conservative lines, lacking much chrome or ornamentation. Unfortunately, the same words are used by consumers to describe diametrically opposed style concepts. Data that quantify buyers according to their aesthetic responses their differing conceptions of what constitutes a good-looking car- are among the most useful an automobile company can possess. The importance of aesthetic segmentation can be pointed up by this example: When Ford changed from its 1959 styling to its 1960 styling, the change did not seem to be a radical one from the viewpoint of formal design. But, because it ran contrary to the special style expectations of a large group of loyal Ford buyers, it constituted a dramatic and unwelcome change to them. This essential segment was not prepared for the change, and the results were apparent in sales. Susceptibility to Change: A third and indispensable method of segmenting the automobile market cuts across the lines drawn by the other two modes of segmentation analysis (Segmentation and positioning for Strategic Marketing decisions by James H. Myers). This involves measuring the relative susceptibility of potential car buyers to changing their choice of make. Consider the buyers of Chevrolet during any one year from the point of view of a competitor: At one extreme are people whose brand loyalty is so solidly entrenched that no competitor can get home to them. They always buy Chevrolets. They are closed off to change. At the other extreme are the open-minded and the unprejudiced buyers. They happened to buy a Chevrolet because they preferred its styling that year, or because they got a good buy, or because someone talked up the Fisher body to them. They could just as easily have purchased another make. In the middle of this susceptibility continuum are people who are predisposed to Chevrolet to a greater or lesser degree. They can be persuaded to buy another make, but the persuasion has to be strong enough to break through the Chevrolet predisposition. The implications of this kind of susceptibility segmentation are far-reaching. Advertising effectiveness, for example, must be measured against each susceptibility segment, not against the market as a whole. Competitors advertising should appear in media most likely to break through the Chevrolet predisposition of the middle group. In addition, the wants of those who are not susceptible must be factored out, or they will muddy the picture (Market Segmentation Success: Making It Happen! by Sally Dibb). Marketing programs persuasive enough to influence the uncommitted may make no difference at all to the single largest group those who are predisposed to Chevrolet but still open enough to respond to the right stimulus. If the marketing director of an automobile company does not break down his potential market into segments representing key differences in susceptibility, or does not clearly understand the requirements of each key segment, his company can persevere for years with little or no results because its promotion programs are inadvertently being aimed at the wrong people. III. Perfume: A segmentation analysis of the perfume market shows that a useful way to analyze it is by the different purposes women have in mind when they buy perfume. One segment of the market thinks of a perfume as something to be added to what nature has supplied. Another segment believes that the purpose of fragrance products is to help a woman feel cleaner, fresher, and better groomed -to correct or negate what nature has supplied. In the latter instance, the fragrance product is used to cancel out natural body odors; in the former, to add a new scent. To illustrate this difference in point of view: One woman told an interviewer, I like a woodsy scent like Faberge. It seems more intense and lingers longer, and doesnt fade away like the sweeter scents. But another woman said, I literally loathe Faberge. It makes me think of a streetcar full of women coming home from work who havent bathed. These differences in reaction do not indicate objective differences in the scent of Faberge. They are subjective differences in womens attitudes; they grow out of each womans purpose in using a perfume. Purposive segmentation, as this third mode of analysis might be called, has been of great value to alert marketers. For instance: A company making a famous line of fragrance products realized that it was selling almost exclusively to a single segment, although it had believed it was competing in the whole market. Management had been misled by its marketing research, which had consistently shown no differences in the demographic characteristics of women buying the companys products and women buying competitors products. In the light of this insight, the company decided to allocate certain lines to the underdeveloped segments of the market. This required appropriate changes in the scent of the product and in its package design. A special advertising strategy was also developed, involving a different copy approach for each product line aimed at each segment. In addition, it was learned that visualizations of the product in use helped to create viewer identification in the segment that used perfume for adding to natures handiwork, but that more subtle methods of communication produced better results among the more reserved, more modest women in the second segment who want the canceling out benefits of perfume (Handbook of Market Segmentation: Strategic Targeting for Business and Technology firms by Art Weinstein). The media susceptibilities of women in the two segments were also found to be different. Thus, from a single act of resegmentation, the advertising department extracted data critical to its copy platform, communication strategy, and media decisions. IV. Bathing Soap A comparable purposive segmentation was found in the closely related bathing soap field. The key split was between women whose chief requirement of soap was that it should clean them adequately and those for whom bathing was a sensuous and enjoyable experience. The company (a new contender in this highly competitive field) focused its sights on the first segment, which had been much neglected in recent years. A new soap was shaped, designed, and packaged to appeal to this segment, a new advertising approach was evolved, and results were very successful. V. Hair-Care Market The Breck-Halo competition in the shampoo market affords an excellent example of another kind of segmentation. For many years, Brecks recognition of the markets individualized segmentation gave the company a very strong position. Its line of individualized shampoos included one for dry hair, another for oily hair, and one for normal hair. This line accurately paralleled the marketing reality that women think of their hair as being dry, oily, or normal, and they do not believe that any one shampoo (such as an all-purpose Halo) can meet their individual requirements. Colgate has finally been obliged, in the past several years, to revise its long-held marketing approach to Halo, and to come out with products for dry hair and for oily hair, as well as for normal hair. Other companies in the hair-care industry are beginning to recognize other segmentations in this field. For example, some women think of their hair as fine, others as course. Each newly discovered key segmentation contains the seeds of a new product, a new marketing approach, and a new opportunity. VI. Other Packaged Goods Examples of segmentation analysis in other packaged goods can be selected almost at random (Lifestyle Market Segmentation by Art Weinstein). Let us mention a few briefly, to show the breadth of applicability of this method of marketing analysis: In convenience foods, for example, we find that the most pragmatic classification is, once again, purposive segmentation. Analysis indicates that convenience in foods has many different meanings for women, supporting several different market segments. Women for whom convenience means easy to use are reached by products and appeals different from those used to reach women for whom convenience means shortcuts to creativity in cooking. In the market for cleaning agents, some women clean preventively, while others clean therapeutically, i.e., only after a mess has been made. The appeals, the product characteristics, and the marketing approach must take into account these different reasons for buying another example of purposive segmentation. In still another market, some people use air fresheners to remove disagreeable odors and others to add an odor. A product like Glade, which is keyed to the second segment, differs from one like Airwick in product concept, packaging, and type of scent. The beer market requires segmentation along at least four different axes -reasons for drinking beer (purposive); taste preferences (aesthetic); price/quality (value); and consumption level. VII. Retail Soft Goods Although soft-goods manufacturers and retailers are aware that their customers are value conscious, not all of them realize that their markets break down into at least four different segments corresponding to four different conceptions of value held by women. For some women value means a willingness to pay a little more for quality. For others, value means merchandise on sale. Still other women look for value in terms of the lowest possible price, while others buy seconds or discounted merchandise as representing the best value. Retailing operations like Sears, Roebuck are highly successful because they project all these value concepts, and do so in proportions which closely parallel their distribution in the total population. VIII. Adding Machines In marketing planning for a major adding machine manufacturer, analysis showed that his product line had little relationship to the segmented needs of the market. Like most manufacturers of this kind of product, he had designed his line by adding features to one or several stripped-down basic models-each addition raising the model price. The lowest priced model could only add; it could not subtract, multiply, divide, or print, and it was operated by hand. Since there are a great many features in adding machines, the manufacturer had an extremely long product line (Marketing Plans, Sixth Edition: How to prepare them, how to use them by Malcolm McDonald). When the needs of the market were analyzed, however, it became clear that, despite its length, the line barely met the needs of two out of the three major segments of the market. It had been conceived and planned from a logical point of view rather than from a market-need point of view. The adding machine market is segmented along lines reflecting sharp differences in value and purpose: One buyer group values accuracy, reliability, and long life above all else. It tends to buy medium-price, full-keyboard, electric machines. There are many banks and other institutions in this group where full-keyboard operations are believed to ensure accuracy. Manufacturing establishments, on the other hand, prefer the ten-key machine. Value, to these people, means the maximum number of laborsaving and timesaving features. They are willing to pay the highest prices for such models. Both these segments contrast sharply with the third group, the small retailer whose major purpose is to find a model at a low purchase price. The small retailer does not think in terms of amortizing his investment over a period of years, and neither laborsaving features nor full-keyboard reliability count for as much as an immediate savings in dollars. Despite the many models in the companys line, it lacked those demanded by both the manufacturer and small retailer segments of the market. But, because it had always been most sensitive to the needs of financial institutions, it had developed more models for this segment than happened to be needed. Product, sales, and distribution changes were required to enable the company to compete in the whole market. IX. Computers One pragmatic way of segmenting the computer market is to divide potential customers between those who believe they know how to evaluate a computer and those who believe they do not. A few years ago only about 20% of the market was really open to IBMs competitors-the 20% who believed it knew how to evaluate a computer. By default, this left 80% of the market a virtual captive of IBM-the majority who did not have confidence in its own ability to evaluate computers and who leaned on IBMs reputation as a substitute for personal appraisal. Segmentation in this market involves differences in prospects attitudes toward the inevitability of progress. Although this factor has been widely ignored, it is a significant method for qualifying prospects. People who believe that progress is inevitable (i.e., that change is good and that new business methods are constantly evolving) make far better prospects for computers than those who have a less optimistic attitude toward progress in the world of business. X. Light Trucks The market for light trucks affords us another example of segmentation in products bought by industry. As in the computer example, there are both buyers who lack confidence in their ability to choose among competing makes and purchasers who feel they are sophisticated about trucks and can choose knowledgeably. This mode of segmentation unexpectedly turns out to be a key to explaining some important dynamics of the light truck market: Those who do not trust their own judgment in trucks tend to rely very heavily on both the dealers and the manufacturers reputation. Once they find a make that gives them reliability and trouble-free operation, they cease to shop other makes and are no longer susceptible to competitive promotion. Nor are they as price-sensitive as the buyer who thinks he is sophisticated about trucks. This buyer tends to look for the best price, to shop extensively, and to be susceptible to the right kind of competitive appeals, because he puts performance before reputation. These ways of looking at the truck market have far-reaching implications for pricing policy, for product features, and for dealers sales efforts. Harvard Business Review, March/April 1964 by Daniel Yankelovich There are few similarities as well as differences in this process: Similarities: the main aim is to benefit at a certain level and trying to satisfy the customer keeping few points in focus. In addition to having different needs, for segments to be practical they should be evaluated against the following criteria: Identifiable: the differentiating attributes of the segments must be measurable so that they can be identified. Accessible: the segments must be reachable through communication and distribution channels. Substantial: the segments should be sufficiently large to justify the resources required to target them. Unique needs: to justify separate offerings, the segments must respond differently to the different marketing mixes. Durable: the segments should be relatively stable to minimize the cost of frequent changes. A good market segmentation will result in segment members that are internally homogenous and externally heterogeneous; that is, as similar as possible within the segment, and as different as possible between segments. Bases for Segmentation in Consumer Markets: Consumer markets can be segmented on the following customer characteristics. Geographic Demographic Psychographic Behavioralistic Geographic Segmentation The following are some examples of geographic variables often used in segmentation. Region: by continent, country, state, or even neighborhood Size of metropolitan area: segmented according to size of population Population density: often classified as urban, suburban, or rural Climate: according to weather patterns common to certain geographic regions Demographic Segmentation Some demographic segmentation variables include: Age Gender Family size Family lifecycle Generation: baby-boomers, Generation X, etc. Income Occupation Education Ethnicity Nationality Religion Social class Psychographic Segmentation Psychographic segmentation groups customers according to their lifestyle. Activities, interests, and opinions (AIO) surveys are one tool for measuring lifestyle. Some psychographic variables include: Activities Interests Opinions Attitudes Values Behavioralistic Segmentation Behavioral segmentation is based on actual customer behavior toward products. Some behavioralistic variables include: Benefits sought Usage rate Brand loyalty User status: potential, first-time, regular, etc. Readiness to buy Occasions: holidays and events that stimulate purchases Behavioral segmentation has the advantage of using variables that are closely related to the product itself. It is a fairly direct starting point for market segmentation. There are vast differences between the segmentation methods before and now as when people started the marketing the didnt know but now a days there as been many segments and theories about all these marketing but still the aim was to benefit. ANALYSIS: It is better to go for the new segmentation method as there are many ways to keep the customers happy as a feed back they are being profited. As the main aim is to keep the customers happy as well as gain some thing good as a return. So if that is given the main priority then the new segmentation method is the best. Segmentation can be done on data collected specifically for the segmentation or on pre-existing data. A common approach for segmentation is to ask respondents for their AIOs (Attitudes, Interests, and Opinions). Another fruitful approach is to ask about media outlets (e.g., what television shows they watch, and what printed press they read). Asking about media outlets reveals a lot about the nature of the segments, and how to reach them. These factors play a vast role in this sort of business because after everything aim is to satisfy the customers. It can be said that the old methods are not that satisfying as there were few options to choose from and it might not be sat isfactory to every customer purchasing the product. In business it is very important to keep the customers happy as it might not be that fruitful if the customers are happy with what they are provided with. If a client asks for segmentation, the key questions are what are the dimensions that will produce segments that are most useful. For example, a PR firm mig

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Comparing the Restricted and Non-restricted Carbohydrate Diet Essay

Comparing the Restricted and Non-restricted Carbohydrate Diet I compared the physiological, psychological, and physical responses in restricted-carbohydrate diets and non-restricted carbohydrate diets. These comparisons are found in various studies summarized into a comparison article written by Brian D. Butki, Jeffrey Baumstark, and Simon Driver called Effects of a Carbohydrate-Restricted Diet on Affective Responses to Acute Exercise Among Physically Active Participants. Throughout the studies compared in the article, subjects who participated as a restricted or low-carbohydrate dieter consumed meals with 20 grams of carbohydrates per day whereas subjects who participated as a non-restricted carbohydrate dieter were allowed to consume 250 grams per day (the recommended amount suggested by the Food and Drug Administration). Both types of participants were evaluated for their physiological responses (such as the amount of energy the body is able to produce from their diet), their psychological responses (such as assessment of their mood), and t heir physical response (such as their ability to do physical activity). The results collected from various studies in this article suggest that the diet directly influences the way the body responds physiologically, psychologically, and physically especially when one is exercising to lose weight. The amount of energy the body produces depends on the amount of energy-producing foods consumed; these are carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. However these types of energy-providing foods also contain the most calories which can turn into stored fat when not all of it is burned off as energy. Therefore the way that the body uses the carbohydrates, proteins, and fats is what scientists try... ...y affect the psychological response. The significant reports of negative emotions caused by the imbalance between carbohydrates and fats seems to affect the area of the brain where the hypothalamus is located also seems to be associated with the fatigue and nausea—symptoms of hypoglycemia. The result of the comparison between a restricted-carbohydrate diet and a non-restricted carbohydrate diet shows how manipulations of the diet can affect a number of the important anatomical systems. Works Cited Butki, Brain D., Jeffrey Baumstark, and Simon Driver (2003). Effects of a carbohydrate- Restricted Diet on Affective Responses to Acute Exercise among Physically Active Participants’. Journal of Perceptual Motor Skills, 96 (2), 607-615. Grosvenor, Mary B. and Lori A. Smolin. Nutrition: From Science to Life. Orlando, FL: Harcourt College Publishers, 2002.

Give Children the Vote? I Vote No Essay -- Essay Critique Children Vot

Give Children the Vote? â€Å"What I suggest is that children be allowed to grow into their own right to vote at whatever rate suits them individually,† argues Vita Wallace as her major claim in the essay â€Å"Give children the vote† (1998, p.147). This is a thoughtful argument by Wallace, but I disagree with it. In this essay, Wallace presents her opinion, but the major claim could also be presented as a fact, judgment, or policy (McFadden, 2003). Throughout the essay, I see the interesting approach Wallace takes to try convince the audience. In my opinion she is unsuccessful. Wallace’s major claim, giving children the vote, is a good one and something many kids cringe about these days. She presents this argument in defense of kids, including herself, which she feels are being discriminated against. Wallace was home schooled, so she believes children should not be punished for choosing not to attend school. She continues saying, â€Å"Learning about discriminatory laws preventing high school dropouts from getting their driver’s licenses†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (1998, p.145) made her think about the unfair treatment of kids. Realizing all the rights children miss out on, Wallace focuses on the right to vote. She was 16 when she wrote this essay and feels ready to vote. In fact she states, â€Å"I think I would not have voted until I was eight or nine, but perhaps if I had known I could vote I would have taken an interest sooner† (1998, p.147). The qualifiers also play a big role in â€Å"Give children the vote.† A qualifier is a word or two that modifies the claim (McFadden, 2003). Wallace does a good job with the qualifiers, and makes the claim stand out a little better. Wallace’s major claim, again, is children should have the right to vote. But ... ...-election depends on the well-being of the voters† (1998, p.146). Here, again, she uses a statement that has no evidence and more importantly, doesn’t even focus on the issue of kids voting. Wallace has worthwhile ideas, but I believe she needs to develop her research methods and legitimate arguments. Unfortunately, she uses her own examples, reasoning, and analysis to argue for the claim to allow kids to vote. Credible sources or harder evidence might be more useful in Wallace’s case. References Clark, I. L. (1998). The genre of argument. Boston: Thompson-Heinle McFadden, J. (Sept. 12 & 14, 2003). The toulmin method: From classical logic to modern argumentation. Lecture. Buena Vista University. Storm Lake, IA. Wallace, V. (1998). â€Å"Give children the vote.† The genre of argument. Ed. Irene L. Clark. Boston: Thompson-Heinle. p.145-48

Friday, July 19, 2019

Andy and Larry Wachowskis Film, The Matrix :: essays papers

Andy and Larry Wachowski's Film, The Matrix Have you ever had a dream that you thought was so real? Well, what if you never woke up? How would you determine the difference between the real world and the dream world (Matrix,1999)? Some people in this world live their lives knowing that something is wrong. They can feel it in everything they do. They can feel it when they stare out a window or go to work or even when they pay their taxes (Matrix,1999). This feeling which these individuals are experiencing comes from the matrix. What is the matrix? The matrix is an artificial world, which has been pulled over to blind us from the truth, that we are slaves (Matrix,1999). We are trapped in a prison for our minds (Matrix,1999). We will never really get to feel, touch, or see anything for ourselves, except objects created through the matrix. Early in the 21st century, humans joined in celebration in the creation of artificial intelligence (Matrix,1999). Throughout our lives we have depended on machinery to survive. Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony (Matrix,1999). The human body gives off as much bioelectricity as a 120 volt battery or as much as 25000 b.t.u.’s of body heat (Matrix,1999). Artificial intelligence depends on solar energy in order to survive, so our human race decided to scorch the earth, therefore blocking the sun’s rays (Matrix,1999). This attempt failed and we were taken over by robots. The matrix was soon after created by artificial intelligence as a computer-generated world made for us to live out our lives while it uses the natural energy given off from our bodies for its survival in the real world (Matrix,1999). Humans are grown in fields like crops, some never even able to be inserted into the matrix. Babies are randomly picked out by the working robotic hands to fill the spots of the dead. Right now, our real bodies are being stored in capsule-like bubbles where we are plugged into the matrix. These plugs are connected throughout our entire spine and other various parts of the body. The main connection is in the back of our necks, leading to the brain, where the matrix controls our minds by ensuring all five senses. When the matrix was first created, a man was given the power to change anything he wanted in it (Matrix,1999).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Neighborhoods and Crime

This article, which consists of an examination of data gathered from the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods, is aimed at gaining a complete picture of the neighborhood in Chicago. It is based on the spatial definition of neighborhood as â€Å"a collection of people and institutions occupying a subsection of a larger community.† The data gathered and the analysis based on such data are used to test the hypothesis that collective efficacy has a connection with reduced violence in neighborhoods. Collective efficacy refers to the social cohesion among people belonging to a neighborhood that is influenced by the willingness to act to promote the common good. The hypothesis was formulated based on the premise that crime rates vary in different neighborhoods, and such variation may be attributed to social and organizational characteristics extant in such social groupings. Moreover, it is assumed that there are factors at play other than those attributed to demographic characteristics of individuals. The article also makes use of two concepts of efficacy, namely, individual efficacy and neighborhood efficacy. It suggests that these two constructs are related in their similar means of activating processes such as social control, which encourage people to act in protection of the neighborhood’s well being. The question sought to be answered by the article revolves around the factors that influence collective efficacy. Again, this question has an assumption, which is that collective efficacy does not exist in a vacuum and is affected by various factors such as political economy and various contexts. Using a five-item Likert-type scale, subjects of the study were asked various questions about the social interaction observed within the neighborhood, such as whether there is a general feeling of trust in favor of neighbors or whether there is a likelihood of intervention in certain circumstances. On the other hand, violence was measured through questions about the frequency of occurrence of violent behavior and personal experience of violent incidents. Moreover, the survey measures were juxtaposed with independent records of violent incidents. After extensive analysis and presentation of data, the article concludes that collective efficacy may be measured at the neighborhood stage, mainly through the conduct of surveys. Moreover, neighborhood variation in collective efficacy is largely explained by three factors, namely, immigration concentration, concentrated disadvantage, and immigration concentration. In sum, the article was able to find data to prove its hypothesis that factors other than demographic characteristics of the individual residents of a neighborhood affect collective efficacy. Nevertheless, the article is quick to note that the study has inherent weaknesses, and suggests that further studies be conducted to explore other possibilities.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Art Appreciation Essay

Art has been p fraud of the human grow for thousands of years. It has facilitated the development of civilization for centuries. The history of the dry land would not be the same without the magnificence of creativity and innovation. One p blindicular finish in art history that understandably manifested the creative personry and ingenuity of many artists was the baroque period. The art style practiced during this era was describe as the harmony spatial relationships, both real and illusionary, with spectacular optic effects which were executed using practiced brilliance.Most of the artworks produced during the Baroque period had exceedingly developed naturalistic illusionism, usu completelyy heightened by dramatic lighting effects, creating an unequaled disposition of theatricality, energy, and front man of forms (Heindroff, 2006). more so, this art movement flourished throughout Europe wherein several knowing artists have emerged who had helped shaped the contemporary art style. Morover, at that time, one of the famous themes for the optic arts was embellish painting. It is in this range that Annibale Carracci, an Italian painter, Claude Lorrain, a French artist, and Jacob forefront Ruisdael, a Dutch artisan, have whole excelled.They have produced some of the closely attractive masterpieces such as the grace with rush into Egypt (c. 1603) by Carracci, A Pastoral adorn by Claude Lorrain (c. 1650) and View of Haarlem from the Dunes at Overveen by vanguard Ruisdael (c. 1670). In Carraccis Landscape with escape into Egypt, he showcased the beautiful ornament of Rome with two human figures and a donkey at the foreground. This piece of art was commissioned by Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini Pietro Aldobrandini for the family chapel in his palace in Rome, by and by known as Palazzo Doria Pamphiljduring the year 1603.More so, this painting was considered as the most storied input of Carracci in the veduta genre which was described as the pr ecise and detailed photo of urban cities and rural embellishs that that attracted the sense of local anesthetic pride of the wealthy Dutch core class. Carracci successfully give wayed a correspondenced, perfect landscape beauty, with a perfect artificial fusion of the holy characters, their stories and the landscape (NationMaster. com, 2005). Furthermore, he was one of the pioneers to create a landscape painting wherein the figures were not the focal phase that it was the landscape that took the spotlight.This style was later(prenominal) on followed by Carraccis pupils such as Domenichino and Lorraine. Overall, Carracci was remarkably eclectic in thematic, painting landcapes, genre scenes, and portraits, including a serial of autoportraits across the ages (Bookrags. com, 2006). Meanwhile in France, Claude Lorrain was to a fault acclaimed for his landscape paintings. Lorrain was born in Lorraine, France plainly he actually grew up in Italy. By 1633, he was able to asse mble his name as one of the most leading landscapist and he was in like manner commissioned by high-ranking officials of the Italian society such as the popes, cardinals, ambassadors and kings ( In A Pastoral Landscape, Lorrain was commissioned by Prince Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna. Like Carracis painting, this one in like manner had no distinguishable subject. The figures present where sit down and the standing shepherds accompanied by 3 women (Miller, 2007). The background is a scenic celestial horizon of the city alongside the pastoral landscape of the rural area. Lorrains landscape paintings illustrated a sharp contrasts of light and shades. More so, it was believed that Poussin influenced him to play up spatial composition in ordering to reach a complete respite between masses of trees and of architecture. By 1650, he was able to hone and enhance his creativity and art skills and these were manifested in the classical balance of the composition which is subt ly altered by soft light (Barewalls. com). For Van Ruisdael, he was also a landscape artist who studied painting in Germany but lived in Amsterdam. Van Ruisdael was able to establish his own studio where he train several talented artists. His dramatic, naturalistic get of landscapes and his emotional make use of of color back up his reputation as the principal Dutch landscape painter in the heartbeat half of the 1600s. Additionally, he mastered the use of proportional compositions, meticulous draftsmanship, and thick impasto which were all evident in the View of Haarlem from the Dunes at Overveen (Getty Museum, 2008). This landscape painting showed the panoramic suasion of Haarlem, Van Ruisdaels hometown. The red roofs of the houses and the clouds in the sky were the main visual elements in the painting. These lead paintings showcased the different approaches of three artists from three different countries during the flamboyant period of Baroque.Annibale Carracci, Claude Lorra in, and Jacob Van Ruisdael gave a new meaning to the pronounce landscape painting wherein they transcended reality in a two-dimensional canvases infused with their own several(prenominal) personalities and techniques.ReferencesBarewalls. com. (n. d. ). Claude Lorrain. Retrieved celestial latitude 6, 2008, from http//www. dropbears. com/a/art/ story/Claude_Lorrain. html Bookrags. com. (2006). Annibale Carracci. Retrieved celestial latitude 6, 2008, from http//www. bookrags. com/wiki/Annibale_Carracci Getty Museum. (2008). Jacob van Ruisdael. Retrieved celestial latitude 6, 2008, from http//www.getty. edu/art/gettyguide/artMakerDetails? maker=517 Heindroff, A. M. (2006, July 24).Baroque Art. Retrieved December 6, 2008, from http//arthistory. heindorffhus. dk/frame-Style10-Baroque. htm Miller, M. (2007, February 16). Claude Lorrain Landscape Drawings from the British Museum at the Clark. Retrieved December 6, 2008, from http//www. berkshirefinearts. com/? page=article&article_id=218& catID=3 NationMaster. com. (2005). The Flight into Egypt (Annibale Carracci). Retrieved December 6, 2008, from http//www. nationmaster. com/encyclopedia/The-Flight-into-Egypt- (Annibale-Carracci)